Projekte aus dem Landesverband Hamburg

Projekte aus dem Landesverband Hamburg

Anna Bellyk

  • Born 26. March 1926 in Roschyschtsche, Ukraine
  • Probably near the end of 1942: Captured and deported to Hamburg as a forced labourer.
  • She is placed in a forced labour camp between the Veilchenweg and Clematisweg.
  • She is forced to work at the Philips Valvo-Werke GmbH, a company using forced labourers from the east in the production of radio amplifier tubes. The workers are not allowed to enter air raid shelters or bunkers.
  • In the early morning of 18. June 1944, Hamburg is attacked by about 800 american bombers, wherein the area of the Valvowerke is also struck by bombs. Anna Bellyk dies in this air raid at 09:45, together with 139 outher girls and women in their camp.